This is an archive page for 2022 that holds all the information from that past event that allows us to continue to acknowledge all the amazing partners we have to help us with this benefit every year. So this is a Thank You to all that make this possible.
“A Thank You from York County Veterans Outreach”
“Our heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Don and the Church of the Open Door, to Chick Renn and the Car Show Committee and its volunteers and all the generous sponsors for their enthusiasm and dedication to the 5th Annual Benefit Car & Bike Show. The event this year was the BEST ever with 436 show vehicles & bikes, and it was a huge financial success.”
”Here in York County we take care of our beloved 30,000 veterans and their families.”
”We serve and support them with emergency car/mortgage payments, child care, transportation, SGB nerve treatments to reduce PTSD, and our veterans in our wellness courts. The York County Veterans Outreach is honored to serve those that have served and sacrificed so we can be free.
Thank you for raising $48,403 dollars to support our beloved York County veterans and their families! “
With gratitude,
Susan Byrnes, Chair
And the Board of Directors of the York County Veterans Outreach
York Car Show 2022 T-Shirt
“Here is the artwork for the t-shirt and dash plaques for our 2022 show. In honor of our 5th anniversary we incorporated some of our “Best in Show” winners from the past couple of years. These are sure to be collector items!”
Each registered car or motorcycle day of show will receive a specially designed T-shirt. Additional T-shirts will be on sale.
All proceeds go to York County non-profit Veteran Organizations.
Behind the Scenes Making of our 2022 Tee Shirt!
Registrant Awards & Perks
There will be 28 trophies presented to 2022 winners the day of the show.
- Top 25 for 4 Wheeled Vehicles
- Top 3 for Motorcycles
Best of Show Trophies
Registration Information
- Registration Time 8:00am – 10:30am
- Registration Information: 717-858-1959
2022 Sponsors
Event Sponsor
- York Excavating Company
Four Star Sponsors
- Bartz Brigade
- Billet Industries
- KRB Machinery
Colonel Sponsors
- Abel Construction
- Big Bob's Barbeque
- Contribution
- Kinsely Construction
- Lamar Advertising of York
- Mike's Towing & Recovery
- T & W Traffic Control
- Groff Tractor
- Shiloh American Legion | Shiloh Post 791
- Contribution
- York County Corvette Club
- Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post 7045
- Red Lion American Legion Post 543
- Tooling Dynamics
- Church of the Open Door
- LFX 2 Metal Works
Major Sponsors
- The Center for Dental Excellence
- Hoak's Four Wheel Drive Center
- Monarch Products Co. Inc.
- Susquehanna Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram
- Crime Intervention Alarm Co.
- Site Design Concepts Inc.
- Susquehanna Post 2493 VFW
- Dallastown Post 605 Legion Riders
- Michael & Jennifer Ormond
- REAL Services Inc.
- Wrightsville Social Club
- Heisey Mechanical Ltd.
- Storage Construction
- Tara and Mark Zuzga
Captain Sponsors
- Richard Childress Racing
- Plasterer Equipment Co.
- Athletic Lettering Inc.
- Double Dog Communications
- Shaffer Auto Body
- Shiloh American Legion Auxiliary
- Architectural Doors & Hardware Co.
- American Legion Auxiliary 605 Dallastown
- W. Craig Adams Contractor Inc.
- York Kia
- Andy’s Automotive Service
- Cool Creek Golf Course
- Dallastown Post 605 Sons of the American Legion
- Myers Building Product Specialist
- Republic Services
- York County Solid Waste Authority
- Franklin Stevens Jewelers
- Thornton Chevrolet
- Core & Main
Lieutenant Sponsors
- Investment Toys for Big Boys
- Miller Plant Farm
- Contribution
- Contribution
- Contribution
- Memorial White Rose Hospice
- Jack Giambalvo Motor Co.
- LMJ Auto & Muscle
- Nello Tire
- Wecker’s Flooring, L.L.C.
- York Volkswagon
- Red Lion Elks Riders 1592
- Yorktown Rod & Custom
- Apex Tool Group